Each day sure brings something new. Glad I had asked the nurse about her test and that they told me nothing to drink or eat after midnight. Of course they brought my moms breakfast in this morning!?!?! We both told them she wasn't supposed to have anything. I started reading Hinds Feet on High Places to her today. I love that book.
I got there around 8:30am and they did the ultra sound around 9. While he was doing the ultra sound I kept looking for a nurse to ask about my moms back. I finally got the head nurse and she came down to look. They had just finished the ultra sound so she looked. She kept pressing and said "it doesn't look bad yet". Then she told me she didn't meet the criteria to have an air mattress. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder and said "I understand that you are the nurse but I am her daughter. I am not going to let it get worse before something is done, if I have to go out and buy an air mattress myself." She said if she could lay on her side it would help. I told her she can't as it hurts. The nurse then said "there is criteria we can't reposition her". We will see if it happens today. If not I will be buying something.
I had to pick up my aunt today as my cousin said her back hurt bad and she wouldn't be up today. When I picked up my aunt she told me my cousin phoned her and asked if she wanted to go shopping with them at Target, hummmm. I will let you all draw your own conclusions about that. I wondered how long that would last.
When I got back with my aunt the drs nurse was there and I asked my mom what she said. She said she told her to eat more. I knew there was more than that so I asked the nurse if she could talk. She said her pancreaces is inflamed so she was going to have some blood work done. She doesn't have gallstones so that is good but not sure why the other problem. Guess I will do some internet research on that. Of course it could be the cancer.
Tomorrow we are going to see the gyn oncologist. I was going to reschedule but after talking with several nurses they suggested I NOT reschedule. I guess I didn't want to go either and face what is to come. Appt is at 3:30pm and heard that you wait for almost an hour in the office. Would LOVE prayers that we wouldn't have to wait that long. She will also get her staples out. The office could not tell me if we would see the dr or the nurse practitioner? That is weird.
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