Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Home at Last

Goodness I sure got a work out today. I arrived at rehab around 8:30. I began to load the car while they served breakfast. Mom then decided to get dressed. She got a work out getting dressed all by herself. The nurse then came in and had me sign a few papers and went over her med list from there.

I took her home got her all unpacked and then went shopping at Walmart and Publix. I suggest NO ONE grocery shop on a Saturday. That took me forever.

After I put away all the groceries mom, aunt and myself went to lunch at Cracker Barrel. What a chore with two older women, one with a walker and one that needed one. I told them I was not going out with them again, lol.

When we got home I began getting her meds ready for the next couple of days. I REALLY suggest that if anyone is taking several meds and has been at the hospital or rehab that you bring the list of meds and talk it over with the dr. The nurse really knew nothing about the meds and changes. It took me almost 20 minutes and a trip to the pharmacy with meds in hand to figure out what changes were made. Some of the meds mom had were generic and they had been giving her name brands and vice a verca. One med she had at home was a generic for another med and now they had her taking both the generic AND the brand name. As far as I can tell they now have her one 3 blood pressure meds. She had 1 new med, a replacement for another, and a change in mgs on 2 others. I just know that after she gets out of the hospital she will have changes again. I had to write it all down so I can bring a copy to hospital when she goes in.

I got home after 1pm today. Someone is bringing mom a meal and then on Tuesday. A friend helped me to find a WONDERFUL website that you can use to schedule meals. It will be a GREAT help to know who is bringing a meal and what they are bringing. Mom said she would have loved a baked potato today and guess what they are bringing? God is SOOO full of grace.

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