October is the last time I wrote wow. Lets see if I can remember everything that has been going on since then.
We were never sure what had happened with the cancer as the drs office would not do a PET scan.
In December mom went to the hand dr and he tried some new meds and took her off the neurotin. It didn't really help.
January 4th!!! At 3:30am I woke up thinking my mother had called me. If she did she was sleep talking. I could not go back to sleep so laid there and at around 4:30am she started throwing up. When I got to her room I looked and it was dark brown. I knew right away that something was very wrong. I then began to look up on the internet what it might be. At 5:30am she started again. My husband was up then so I asked him to stay with her until I got dressed and headed to the emergency room. She told him she did not want to go. I decided to wait until the drs office opened and call them to see what they suggested. My husband suggested that we call 911 to see if they would come and check her out. Can you believe that 911 was busy!!?? Several times we could not get through.
At around 9:15am mom got up and I phoned the office the phone rang and rang and then when mom threw up again so I just decided to take her to the hospital.
We arrived there around 10:30am and things went pretty quickly. At 3:30pm they came in and told us that she had a bowel blockage and they were planning on checking her into the hospital but would call her GP. At around 4:45pm they came in and told us her GP wanted to see her before he checked her into the hospital. So around 6pm he finally came in and said her cancer had returned. Long story but we ended up having her transferred to the larger hospital so she could be seen by her oncologist.
She was in the hospital until Friday and was released her home on hospice. Hospice has been an interesting experience, lots of good and some frustration. We LOVE the nurse and she has been very helpful.
Hospice has come and checked her blood each week, dealt with the drs, provided some of her meds and tryed to make bathing and getting around with her walker.
This past week she had not been able to have a bowel movement. Last night she got very ill and lots of issues. We were able to talk with hospice during the night. The nurse on call was not very helpful but did give some suggestions. Our regular nurse called first thing this morning and we asked mom if she wanted to go to the hospital which was a NO. But she did consent to go to the hospice house.
At the hospice house they will be able to give her pain meds and nausea meds not in pill form and possibly try to get the bowels to start working. She will probably be there for 3 days and then asses. If she is getting better they will release her home again and if not they will continue to keep her there. It is not like a hospital setting and they allow them to bring their own blankets, pillows and anything else they want.
I am sooooo thankful that my sister Helen is here and that we were able to tag team last night and this morning. She was supposed to fly home Monday but extended until Thursday. All this started on Tuesday so God knew I needed someone here to help.
Sorry this is rushed and I haven't proofed it but wanted to up date those who didn't know.
Thanks for ALL your prayers and support.
Keo, prayers and praises for all God is doing. He is glorious. Thankful that your mother is having so many needs met through your love and care and that of hospice...all the more reason to praise Him during this difficult transition. And to think He provided your dear sister Helen to be with you and your Mom. Thank you for updating so we can journey with you...at least in heart and prayer.