Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Update

Hi friends and family,

Mom has now been here for almost 4 days. The first 2 days were pretty good for what had been going on but Thursday night she had a transition. She has been mostly unresponsive and you can see she is in the last stages of earthly life and is preparing for heaven.

We called most of her family and friends and let them talk to her even though there was not much of a response.

Boy has SKYPE been wonderful. Helen has her computer here and she was able to SKYPE my brother and her kids and grandkids so they could see mom and talk to her. What a blessing of this computer age.

We are not sure how long this phase will last but our prayer is that God will use it for His glory.

My church family has been wonderful and has been brining us food. God provided a suite here at hospice so Helen and I are both able to be here and stay the night. My aunt has been coming during the day and that has allowed Helen and I to go home for an hour or so to take showers and change.

As of yesterday mom has not been able to get out of bed and use the bathroom so now has a cath.

Hospice has also been a wonderful blessing and the nurses keep up with her pain and nausea meds which is wonder.

I think that is all the updates for now. Again THANK YOU for all your prayers and support.


  1. We love you Keo & can only pray for His Will to be done, and as you said, to use it for His glory. Will continue to lift all of you up in prayer for strength during this season of transition. Hugs, Linda & Roy

  2. Thank you for sharing Keo, what a blessing you are to your Mom!
